Custom landscaping for fine homes in Southern Georgian Bay | Collingwood | Thornbury | 705.441.2174 | Contact

Enhance your swimming pool with stunning water features

Water features, such as waterfalls and fountains, or an arresting vanishing edge, truly make your swimming pool a centrepiece in your landscape. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to ask questions, learn more, or see a more extensive portfolio of designs.


Dramatize your home’s entrance area with an attractive water feature

Water features such as streams, waterfalls and fountains add a refreshing, welcoming look to your home’s entrance. Since an entrance water feature is directly associated with your home, it should fit comfortably into the setting and be in keeping with the surrounding architecture. If your home is distinctly formal, with simple and geometric landscape design,


Waterfalls, streams and ponds bring drama, tranquility to your landscape

We hope these photos of garden and landscaping waterfalls, streams, and ponds inspire ideas when planning your own home’s landscape. As everyday life gets more complex, the simple serenity of water provides a welcome balm. Ponds add a magical feel to the landscaping around your home, and they can go just about anywhere. Set a